Message from managing director
Al-Haj Yenepoya Mohamed Kunhi
Chairman – Yenepoya Group
Nursing is a dynamic and challenging profession which holds a great job potential in India and abroad. It is a known fact that the demand for a qualified workforce in hospitals and other health care institutions has always been on the rise.
Nurses are the first point of contact for the patients and their immediate relatives for their moral support. Today the nursing education focuses to impart high level of scientific knowledge, develop confidence & equipped to have leadership abilities to positively contribute to the health care of our society.
We at Zuleka Nursing College, are committed to maintaining high academic standards with excellent team of faculty, best clinical training and an excellent infrastructure and hostel facilities. Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are part of the master teaching plan for the overall personality development of our students and we assign utmost importance to the same. ZNC is committed to groom caring and compassionate and innovative professional nurses to meet the global demands.
I sincerely hope that the redesigned website will provide an opportunity to contribute to all round development of a student by bringing out talents of staff and students in various spheres of nursing activity.
I take this opportunity to thank Principal – Dr. R. Kanagavalli, Director – Medical Dr. Muhammad Thahir and Director – Operations Mr. Yenepoya Abdulla Javeed and the entire team involved in the redesign of the website. It is my fervent hope that this platform will provide new ideas, better motivation & greater commitment in this profession. Let this place people will come to for inspiration & enlightenment.

Sri Yenepoya Abdulla Kunhi
Chancellor, Yenepoya University
Chairman, Zulekha Nursing College
I can proudly say that our faculty is passionate about improving healthcare globally by educating the next generation of nurses and working hard to provide exceptional dedication and individual attention to each student, to bring out nurses who will transform health care efficiently and effectively.
“Every nurse was drawn to nursing because of a desire to care, to serve, or to help.”
I am happy that the college website is being redesigned to facilitate better access for information and activities about the institution. I am sure it will also be very useful for students interested in making a career in this field.
I applaud the efforts of the Principal – Dr. R. Kanagavalli, Director-Medical Dr. Muhammad Thahir and Mr. Yenepoya Abdulla Javeed and their dedicated team, whose hard work and perseverance has resulted in the progression of the institution in all areas. I thank the entire faculty for their dedication, hard work and discipline that has helped in shaping the growth of ZNC.
Best of Luck, Keep up the Good Work.

Dr. Muhammed Thahir
Director – Medical

Mr. Y. Abdulla Javeed
Director – Operations
In response to the needs of the society, “Zulekha Nursing College” was started during the year 2006, with an aim to prepare the nursing professionals to meet the social health needs of the community; with quality competence, commitment & dedication. Our endeavor is to make the graduate nurse to be self–reliant in their profession which enables their all-round development, growth and prosperity.
The Zulekha Nursing College has NABH Accredited parent hospital having 250 beds named “Yenepoya Specialty Hospital” under “Yenepoya Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Pvt. Ltd.” by the able guidance and dynamic leadership of Mr.Y.Abdulla Kunhi, Chairman of our college. The primary focus of the college is to provide competent knowledge about nursing profession and to develop expertise skill to satisfy holistic care. Also, maximize nursing confidence and fortitude to face new challenges to shine in the field to become client friendly practitioners.
The college is located at Zulekha Complex, Bibi Alabi Road, Mangaluru – 575 001. The college is approved by Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru, Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru and Recognized by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi & Karnataka Nursing Council, Bengaluru.

Dr. R. Kanagavalli
I am proud to welcome you to the Zulekha Nursing College, Mangaluru. It is indeed a great privilege and opportunity for you to enter into the profession of nursing to serve the humanity. Every one of you and your family members may be well aware of need and demand of the professional nurses in hospitals and community based setting across the world. The goal of “Zulekha Nursing College” is to prepare the nurses to meet the future challenges and to direct the nursing field with their excellence, integrity, holistic care and safe practice.
The Zulekha Nursing College started Basic B.Sc.(N) programme (4 years) in the year 2006 and M.Sc.(N) programme (2 years) in the year 2013 to support the health care industry.
The college has got approval from the Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, Karnataka State Nursing Council, Bengaluru and Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru.
The college is equipped with adequate physical infrastructure as per the norms of the regulatory bodies, well qualified & experienced faculty were appointed to teach both theory and practical to the students at the Zenith of success. The college has separate hostel facility for the students to have conducive environment as like their family surroundings.
The college has NABH Accredited parent hospital named “Yenepoya Specialty Hospital” having 250 beds with Medical, Surgical, Orthopaedic, Nephrology, Neurology, Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology departments. Also, the college is affiliated with Yenepoya Medical College Hospital having 1050 beds with all the specialty areas. The students are given training to provide holistic care to the clients admitted in both hospitals. The college has adopted rural and urban villages to provide training to the students in the community settings.
With pleasure, I welcome all of you who read this web site to join with us to spread the fragrance of nursing service within and across the world.
If you are having any query please contact
Call Us: +91824 425 2471, +91824 241 2188